Friday 14 October 2016


NRS Social Grades are a system of demographic classification used in the UK that was developed by the National Readership Survey to classify readers and is now used by other organisations as a standard for market research.
The grades use occupation to classify people to a grade, as shown below.

Audience Profiling

Assassins Creed- Syndicate
The age of the players would range from teenage to 25.
The gender division is mostly males as the main character of the game is male, however there are females which enjoy the action type game such as this.
The socio-economic split would be from B to E because these are typically the types of people who would enjoy gaming.
The main occupations would be students who may have part time jobs.

The Martian
The age of viewers would be 20+ as it seems more aimed at adults.
The gender division would be mostly male.
The socio-economic split would be ABC1

Downton Abbey
The age of the viewers would be anywhere from 30 to 60
The gender division would be an equal male/female audience due to both genders being represented in the program.
The socio-economic split would be AB as the characters represented are of higher class.

Game of Thrones
The age of the viewers

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