Tuesday 9 February 2016

Bias In Media

Definitions of words as they relate to the media industry

Balance includes using two opposing opinions to get a point across, in the most fair way possible. This is the free speech model which the BBC aims to use as one of the founders- John Reith-  wanted the guidelines to be 'to educate, inform, entertain'. 

The other model of free speech is the market model in which opinions are presented and people can choose to listen to them or not. Fox news uses this model.

Impartiality is the way in which media is presented as being fair and balanced with a neutral opinion.

Bias is when a particular opinion is the focus, and can be related to Propaganda videos as they are bias opinions.

A subjective documentary is a personal point of view and may include experiences of a personal story.

An objective documentary is an attempt to be unbias with truth, history and evidence from research.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/ These are the BBC's editorial guidelines which show how the programs on the BBC have to be presented.

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