Sunday 18 June 2017

Video installation production diary

Mood Board:

For my video installation project I decided to project concert videos onto a box to try and create half of the atmosphere that all concert goers experience as it is something that I feel cannot be matched.
There were no copyright issues with this concept as they were my own concert videos, however I cut the audio out to see if it would be as powerful with no sound. The videos used were all of the same band; and over the same tour so it gave a sense of dedication (from the fans side) and growth (on the bands side)

This is a screenshot of one of the videos that was used, the videos were blurry but they were meant to look that way; I had no intentions of them looking professional because I wanted them to look grungy.

For the video, I cut many parts of videos out and put them together in a random order to get a mashup of the tour. The boxes the videos were projected onto were different sizes; this is a sketch of the set up:

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