Friday 6 January 2017

Production Management- Assignment 2

Production diary

09/12/16- presented presentation to client. This included my swot analysis therefore i do not need to do this item.
06/01/17- Received list of tasks to complete before march for this project, and worked out predicted dates of getting this work together:

  • Production diary (constant)
  • Pre-production documents (15/01)
  • SWOT analysis (done)
  • Focus group- film it (21-22/01/ after final advert is edited)
  • Film and edit advertisement- 1 minute long (half term week?)
  • Evaluate feedback and product (week after half term)
13/01/17- Decided to focus on pre production documents. I need to print out contributor release forms for the actors/actors' parents. I have completed a risk assessment which labels the inexperienced actors as the only risk. Before the end of this week I need to complete a script, script breakdown and storyboard which I will scan in next week.

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